
Clinical excellence must be the priority for any health care service provider.

Emergency Care

Clinical excellence must be the priority for any health care service provider.

Chamber Service

Clinical excellence must be the priority for any health care service provider.

Dr. Amit Bhauwala

DM (Cardio),MD Med (PGI)
Department Cardiology
Year Of Expertise 14
Language English,Bengali,Hindi
Registration No 3461
Gender Male


DM (Cardio),MD Med (PGI)

Professional Memberships

West Bengal Medical Council : 65882 Cardiology Society of India- Life Member (L-4578)

Detailed Experience

Awards and Achievements

Research and Publications

Bhauwala A, Dhir V, Gill A, Sharma P, Joshi K. Visceral leishmaniasis complicated by haemophagocytosis. Natl Med J India. 2013 Sep-Oct;26(5):310-1 Rao C, Sharma A, Rana SS, Bhauwala A, Singh S, Singh K, Bhasin DK. Massive obscure overt gastrointestinal bleed : An unusual cause diagnosed by gastrointestinal endoscopy. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2012; 46 (1):37-39


Special Interest

Radial Angiography and Angioplasty Complex Angioplasty ( using FFR and IVUS/OCT) Pacemakers ICD CRT-D Echocardiography ( TTE and TEE) DSE and HUTT

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